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A brief history of immigration in America

Immigration (via www.gimby.org) The United States is, of course, a nation of immigrants. Even Native Americans came here from somewhere else; recent evidence suggests they…

Facts and figures on incarceration in America

Facts and Figures on Incarceration in America (via Moyers & Company) Over the last four decades, America’s prison population has increased dramatically. This tremendous growth…

Latino Challenges Toward Racial Equity

Latino Challenges Toward Racial Equity
Guest post from Florence Siman of El Pueblo, Inc. We’ve heard it a million times: that Latinos are the fastest…

Complaints? Gripes? Detractors? Language matters as we work to reform policing in Durham.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.”–                                                                                                               Mahatma Gandhi
Sticks and stones may break our…