What is Redlining?
Redlining was the discriminatory practice of color-coding neighborhoods to evaluate risk for home loans. Through redlining, neighborhood maps consistently characterized African American and other communities of color as risky, preventing them from home ownership. Discriminatory lending was also practiced by the Federal Housing Administration. These unjust policies prevented wealth accumulation through property ownership, as property values in impacted communities remain depressed relative to the surrounding areas.
How Does it Contribute to Community Contamination?
Historical redlining and discriminatory land use policies have resulted in the concentration of polluting and extractive industries in economically and politically disadvantaged communities and communities of color. As a result, already impoverished communities suffer compounding economic and environmental injustices and detrimental health impacts as harmful industries are concentrated over decades in the same communities. SCSJ assists communities in fighting against community contamination and mitigating legacy pollution from landfill expansions, water and air pollution, and the destruction of places of cultural and historical significance.

SCSJ also offers communications capabilities and support to community-based organizations to amplify impacted residents’ voices in protecting their communities from contamination and exploitation.
Community Contamination Resources

Fact Sheet: Bingham Park Remediation
This fact sheet details the city of Greensboro's three proposed options for disposal of contaminated soil from Bingham Park.

Southern Gumption: The Toxic Tour
"Southern Gumption" season 1 episode 2 takes listeners on a journey down to Sampson County, NC, navigating its roads and histories on a 'toxic tour' of environmental injustice.
Community Contamination News
SCSJ, Allies Demand Stronger Protections for Community in Duke Energy’s Roxboro Gas Plant Air Permit
DURHAM, N.C. (Nov. 26, 2024) – Southern Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ) released the following statement alongside its public comments to the NCDEQ, Division of Air Quality on Duke Energy’s air permit modification request for the Roxboro Steam Electric Plant: “Southern Coalition for Social Justice stands with our allies in condemning Duke Energy’s ill-conceived proposal…
Read More SCSJ, Allies Demand Stronger Protections for Community in Duke Energy’s Roxboro Gas Plant Air Permit
Greenville Community Battles Gas Station Construction by School
GREENVILLE, N.C. (Nov. 22, 2024) – Greenville residents are urging the court to rethink allowing a gas station to operate just 1,000 feet from a middle school, citing health concerns and expert testimony that was unfairly ignored. Southern Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ) submitted an appeal to Pitt County Superior Court on Nov. 20, 2024,…
Read More Greenville Community Battles Gas Station Construction by School
SCSJ Joins Fight Against Toxic Waste Facilities in Miami-Dade County
DURHAM, N.C. (Sept. 20, 2024) — Southern Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ) stands united with our partners in urging the rejection of new waste incinerator projects in Miami-Dade County. Historically, marginalized communities have borne the brunt of toxic waste facilities, suffering from severe health impacts and environmental destruction.
Read More SCSJ Joins Fight Against Toxic Waste Facilities in Miami-Dade County