Our Mission
Southern Coalition for Social Justice’s (SCSJ) Environmental Justice Program seeks to empower economically and politically disadvantaged communities and communities of color (together, “impacted communities”) in their efforts to overcome environmental injustice at a time when climate impacts exacerbate environmental inequities.
Environmental injustice is pervasive throughout the South due to historical redlining and discriminatory land use policies that locate polluting industries in impacted communities. Gentrification in these areas also perpetuates the erasure of these communities and their history. We provide impacted communities with long-term support that is responsive to community needs rather than organizational directives. SCSJ is unique in the environmental justice field in our community-based lawyering approach that empowers the community itself as the agent of change and the experts in their own needs. SCSJ’s primary role is to use our organizational, legal, research, and communications resources to improve access to a justice system that has historically excluded and failed to serve impacted communities.
Our Work
Community Contamination
SCSJ assists communities in fighting against community contamination and mitigating pollution.
Energy Equity
SCSJ works to advance energy equity by advocating for clean and renewable energy for impacted communities.
Zoning & Land Use
SCSJ challenges adverse zoning and land use policies that disproportionately impact low-income communities of color.
Climate Justice & Resilience
Coming soon...
How We Advance Environmental Justice
Community Legal Education
Community legal education empowers organizing and collective action by equipping EJ communities with the resources for self-advocacy on an ongoing basis. SCSJ further empowers advocacy and facilitates community connections by providing research and communications support in addition to our legal expertise.
Strategic Counseling & Advice
We provide strategic counseling and advice to both community members and decision-makers. For community members, this goes beyond general community legal education. It is tailored to community-specific issues faced by our partners and their communities and will depend on community-identified needs.
Rapid Response Direct Legal Services
While litigation is a measure of last resort and not appropriate to achieving desired outcomes in every scenario, it is a necessary and powerful tool to enforce justice, improve equity, and empower EJ communities.
Environmental Justice News
SCSJ’s Statement on Appeal in Moriah Energy Center Case
ROUGEMONT, N.C. (Jan. 13, 2025) — Southern Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ) released the following statement alongside its appeal in Clayton, et al. v. Person County. The case challenges Person County’s rezoning of parcels from rural residential and conservation designations to industrial zoning for the plans of Enbridge – formerly Dominion Energy – to construct…
Read More SCSJ’s Statement on Appeal in Moriah Energy Center Case
SCSJ, Allies Demand Stronger Protections for Community in Duke Energy’s Roxboro Gas Plant Air Permit
DURHAM, N.C. (Nov. 26, 2024) – Southern Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ) released the following statement alongside its public comments to the NCDEQ, Division of Air Quality on Duke Energy’s air permit modification request for the Roxboro Steam Electric Plant: “Southern Coalition for Social Justice stands with our allies in condemning Duke Energy’s ill-conceived proposal…
Read More SCSJ, Allies Demand Stronger Protections for Community in Duke Energy’s Roxboro Gas Plant Air Permit
Environmental Justice Cases
Key Contacts
Aiswarya Murali Counsel and Fellow, Environmental Justiceaiswarya@scsj.org
James Huey Counsel, Environmental Justicejames@scsj.org
Katie Crisp Paralegalkatie@scsj.org
Anne Harvey Chief Counsel, Environmental Justiceanne@scsj.org