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NC gets tough on voter ID laws, but at whose expense?

This video of SCSJ client Alberta Currie originally aired on Tuesday, August 13 2013 on NBC Nightly News. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3032619/ns/NBCNightlyNews/#52748601
The Southern Coalition for Social Justice…

New NC voting law facing legal battle

// See //
  See video coverage of SCSJ’s press conference on the federal lawsuit challenging limits to early voting, ending same-day registration, and eliminating…

Chicago Tribune – NC governor signs tough new voting restrictions

North Carolina governor signs tough new voting restrictions
Marti Maguire Reuters
6:26 a.m. CDT, August 13, 2013
RALEIGH, North Carolina (Reuters) – North Carolina…

NC Voter ID law challenged in state court

Hillsborough, N.C. – The N.C. A. Philip Randolph Institute, League of Women Voters of North Carolina, and several individual voters have filed a lawsuit challenging…

North Carolina ushers in restrictive voting laws

http://tv.msnbc.com/2013/08/12/nc-governor-signs-sweeping-elections-bill-to-require-voter-id-and-cut-early-voting/ North Carolina ushers in restrictive voting laws Morgan Whitaker, @morganwinn 6:05 PM on 08/12/2013 Campaign volunteer Barbara Smalley-McMahan clutches her pad while attempting to…

Lawsuits filed after Gov. McCrory signs voter ID bill

By Rob Christensen and Jim Morrill — rchristensen@newsobserver.com and jmorrill@charlotteobserver.com RALEIGH — Gov. Pat McCrory on Monday signed into law a bill requiring voters…