Featured Entries

Anita Earls on 'To The Point'

SCSJ Executive Director Anita Earls appeared on ‘To The Point,’ discussing evidence of voter suppression and the ongoing need for a strong Voting Rights Act.…
Justice System Reform

Changing the Course of Anti-Bullying Policy and Law

If advocates, policymakers, and lawmakers hope to plug the school-to-prison pipeline they must embrace policies and programs that are anti-bullying rather than anti-bully. Communities often…

End the Immigrant Detention Quota

34 Days to End the 34,000 Immigrant Detention Quota June 9 to July 12 Reposted from Detention Watch Network
The next 34 days are critical…

Reproductive Justice Summit June 18

Reproductive Justice Summit The triangle’s first ever Reproductive Justice Summit is being held this summer in partnership with NARAL Pro-Choice NC, SisterSong, El Pueblo, Inc.,…

DACA Renewal Process Announced

Secretary Johnson Announces Process for DACA Renewal USCIS to Publish New Form to Allow Individuals to Renew Their Deferred Action
Release Date: June 05, 2014…

Ban the Box Webinar

Ban the Box:  It’s Time for Fair Hiring in the South  “Ban the box” delays arrest and/or conviction inquiries in the hiring process to offer…