A Guide to 2024 NC General Election Preparedness
Dates to Remember
- September 24: County Board of Elections Begin mailing Absentee Ballots (*Deadline changed from September 6th to 24th because of Court order)
- October 11: Voter Registration Deadline (5PM)
- October 17: In-Person Early Voting Begins
- October 29: Absentee Ballot Request Deadline (5PM)
- November 2: In-Person Early Voting Ends (3PM)
- November 5: General Election Day
- November 5: Absentee Ballot Return Deadline (7:30PM)
Voter registration and absentee voting deadlines are different for military and overseas citizen voters. For more information, click here.

Election Preparedness Resources

What's on the Ballot in North Carolina?
Find out what you'll be voting for as a North Carolina voter.

NC College Voter ID Visualizer
This resource shows which North Carolina schools have voter ID approval for their student IDs.

North Carolina Photo Voter ID Resources
Resources to help North Carolinian voters, organizations and lawmakers navigate the new rules around voter ID.
Voter Registration Information
Obtain and complete a Voter Registration Form by downloading it here in English or ESPANŌL or visit your County Board of Elections during regular business hours to obtain one.
Submit the form in person (during regular business hours) or by mail to your County Board of Elections at least 25 days before the election you want to vote in.
If you miss the October 11th voter registration deadline, you can register to vote during Early Voting at any Early Voting site prior to November 5, 2024.
To use Same-Day Registration, you must provide ONE of the documents listed here (as a hard copy or in electronic format such as a screenshot on your cellphone) to an election official at an Early Voting location to verify your name and address.
You can locate your Early Voting site options here.
You can check to see if you are registered to vote by using the Voter Search tool.
Where Do I Vote?
Unsure where to go on election day? Use the Election Day Polling Place Search to find your polling place for in-person voting.
NC Election Protection Hotline
Call 888-OUR-VOTE (888-687-8683)
The state’s premier nonpartisan voter hotline is available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. throughout the year with extended hours during the voting season. The hotline is a free resource for North Carolinians who have questions about how to register to vote, how to cast a ballot, or who need to report voting problems. SCSJ and Democracy NC, with support from national and state partners within the NC Election Protection Coalition, staff the hotline and its escalation team throughout the election cycle.
Photo ID Required to Vote in North Carolina
The following IDs will be accepted at the polls:
- NC Driver's License
- NC Non-Driver's ID
- Driver's license or non-driver ID from another state (only for voters registered in NC within 90 days of the election)
- US Passport or Passport Card
- NC voter photo ID issued by a county board of elections
- College or university student ID approved by the State Board of Elections
- State or local government or charter school employee ID approved by the State Board of Elections
- Military or veterans ID card issued by the US government
- Tribal enrollment card issued by a tribe recognized by the state or federal government
- ID card issued by an agency of the US government or State of NC for a public assistance program

If you do not have a photo ID, you may fill out an ID Exception Form. Click here to view the permitted exceptions. For more information about voter ID requirements, click here.
Request an Absentee Ballot
Any North Carolina voter can request an absentee ballot. Active Military or overseas voters can also request an absentee ballot through the NC Absentee Ballot Portal.
Assistance During Early Voting or on Election Day
From October 17 to November 5, you can call the following hotlines for voter assistance.
English: 1-888-OUR-VOTE (888-687-8683)
Spanish/English: 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682)
Arabic/English: 1-844-YallaUS (844-925-5287)
Asian Languages/English: 1-888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683)
Available Asian Languages: Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bengali, Urdu/Hindi, Tagalog