Immigration Reform is at a critical juncture. As the U.S. Senate moves forward on a vote that would create a roadmap to legalization for some immigrants, compromises are being made that will harm migrant communities. We are deeply concerned about the human rights implications of the Corker-Hoeven amendment, which would lead to unprecedented militarization at the U.S.- Mexico border with the wasteful allocation of billions of dollars to “secure” the border. This would include doubling the number of border patrol agents to 40,000, deploying 18 drones, and building an additional 700 miles of border fence. Meanwhile, this amendment does not address the ongoing civil rights and use of force violations that border patrol has been charged with, including those documented by members of SCSJ clients from the Buen Pastor congregation.

The Corker-Hoeven amendment departs from the real issues this country faces in creating fair and just immigration policy for the 11 million undocumented immigrants living here and perpetuates the damaging myth that immigration is a “national security threat”.
As the Senate vote on S.744 moves forward, we have collected some responses from Immigrants’ Rights organizations across the country:
National Immigration Law Center
Fair Immigration Reform Movement
National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities
Rights Working Group
America’s Voice
For further information and resources about Human Rights Abuses on the US-Mexico Border visit:
Coalicion de Derechos Humanos
The Undocumented