The Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA), GetEQUAL NC and otehr groups fighting for LGBTQ rights are organizing a rally for this coming Thursday (June 2) against SB106 and HB777, the North Carolina counterpart to the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
Read their press release below:
Jonathan Green
President, Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA)
Boone, NC
Phone: 336-404-7147
Angel Chandler
North Carolina State Organizer, GetEQUAL
Asheville, NC
Phone: 828-337-1292
Rally in Raleigh For Equality
On June 2, 2011 from Noon – 2:00 PM
North Carolina based groups Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) and GetEQUAL NC unite with other groups and individuals to fight SB106 and HB777 (the North Carolina anti-gay super-DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) on June 2, 2011. We will gather at the Halifax Mall at 16 W. Jones Street in Raleigh at Noon.
SB106 and HB777 must be stopped and it is up to LGBT groups, individuals, and allies to do so. The proposed legislation would not only put an anti-gay marriage amendment on the 2012 ballot, it would also prevent private businesses and municipalities in NC from offering domestic partnership insurance benefits and make null and void Domestic Partnership Registries in the three cities in NC that offer them (Chapel Hill, Asheville and Carrboro); basically, it would end all relationship recognition outside of heterosexual marriage.
According to Jonathan Green, President of SAGA, “In this time of misunderstanding and struggle it is important that there are those who are beacons of light, truth, and understanding and I am standing as one of those beacons and want you to join me and allow the only sovereign to rule you to be reason so that truth can finally take hold and prevail over those who want us to remain unequal so that we can be recognized for what we are, human beings who want and need to be recognized as equal citizens across our wonderful state!”
Angel Chandler, North Carolina State Organizer for GetEQUAL NC, stated “You’ve heard the saying ‘If you are not outraged you’re not paying attention’, but outrage is easy, action is hard. We have to be willing to do more than sign a petition or send in an email to our representatives. We have to be willing to take action. On June 2cd we will take a stand to let our North Carolina lawmakers know that we refuse to be even further alienated from and discriminated by our government. We are all equal, and it is time our government started treating us as such.”
Our message to NC legislators: we are your neighbors, your doctors, your lawyers, your teachers, your child care providers, your mothers, your fathers, your sons, your daughters, your brothers, your sisters. We are your constituents. We are your fellow human beings. We deserve more and will no longer settle for less than equality.
‘Rally in Raleigh’ speakers include:
Rep. Susan Fisher (D-Buncombe)
Rep. Patsy Keever (D-Buncombe)
Chelsea Sayre, GetEQUAL NC
Angel Chandler, GetEqual NC
Jonathan Green, SAGA
* More speakers to be announced *
Rally in Raleigh For Equality!
Thursday, June 2, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Halifax Mall
16 W. Jones Street
Raleigh, NC