The North Carolina organizations supporting the Trail of Dreams are inspired by the Dream Walkers’ courageous commitment to their vision and to their journey from Miami to Washington, DC, to demand justice for all immigrants.
We welcome the walkers into North Carolina as activists challenging multiple oppressions and look to connect their stories and struggles with organizing work of all oppressed communities in the South.
We support their demands for fair and humane immigration reform, access to college education, workers’ rights, and an end to unjust immigration enforcement policies. As organizations engaged in immigrants’ rights work, we support the leadership and self-determination of those most directly affected by unjust policies. We also honor their place in a long history of social justice movements in our state in which young people have played a leading role.
As each walker shares his or her story, it touches everyone – even to those who do not agree with their demands. We believe that storytelling humanizes policies and is a powerful tool for transformation. The courage of the walkers as they challenge injustice, in spite of the risks they face as undocumented youth, has brought energy and inspiration to our work in North Carolina. We honor them by continuing our work building and strengthening local and statewide movements for immigrant justice, human and civil rights, and progressive social change.
Adelante Education Coalition of North Carolina
North Carolina Justice Center
Reform Immigration For America
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
Student Actions with Farmworkers
To learn more, check out our Blog, Press Release, or some of this great press coverage by The News & Observer, The Herald Sun, and 1360 WHCL.