Too often, North Carolina Latino residents are taken advantage of in their efforts to rent or purchase homes.
On Sunday January 30, SCSJ organized an educational event to empower Latinos living in the Moore County, North Carolina town of Robbins. SCSJ staff attorney Chris Brook (pictured), along with representatives from the Northern Moore Family Resource Center, the NC Justice Center and Self-Help Credit Union, spoke to community members after church about their rights as tenants and home-owners as well as opportunities available to them to purchase a home. These representatives also fielded questions from the over twenty-five attendees in regards to their particular housing challenges. “Over fifty percent of the Robbins population is Latino, and many adults have limited English language skills and/or limited knowledge of the United States financial system. The information presented in Spanish and English empowered families to make smart decisions about housing in the future,” said Clare Ruggles, Executive Director of the North Moore Family Resource Center.
Outreach efforts such as this know-your-rights session in Robbins are part of SCSJ’s larger work to safeguard the housing rights of communities of color.