SCSJ is collaborating with Student Action with Farmworkers to host a legal intern with their “Into the Fields” program this summer. The intern will train other SAF interns on markers for human trafficking so that they are able to recognize them in their work in the field. The legal intern will also create a resource guide for partner agencies to provide them with current information about resources available to address the problem.
SAF has a tradition of creating culturally-relevant theater pieces during their summer programs that teach migrant workers about health issues, workplace safety, and their legal rights. Our legal intern will develop a popular education theater presentation on human trafficking that will be performed at farmworker camps. The goal is to make sure that farmworker communities are aware of this issue, can recognize it when it occurs, and know what steps to take to address it.
Finally, the legal intern will be in a position to have a general legal liason role. When they encounter legal issues of any nature, or when other SAF interns do, our intern will be available to investigate potential remedies and obtain appropriate legal assistance for farmworkers.