Ditching exams for a dream

Remarkable UNC Chapel Hill first year student and activist Wooten Gough will be missing finals this year. Gough has arranged with his professors to leave school early — in order to go for a very long walk.
After meeting Trail of Dreams walkers and immigration reform activists Juan Rodriguez, Carlos Roa, Felipe Matos and Gaby Pacheco during their passage through North Carolina, Gough was inspired to join them.
A member of Reform Immigration for American and the Coalition for College Access, Gough passionately believes that all students deserve access to higher education, regardless of their documentation status.
“In class, I see these empty chairs around me where my friends could be here who are undocumented,” says Gough, “Why would I stop [pushing for reform]?”
“I can no longer wait around to see what might happen, but instead stand up and fight for what is right! Each step on the Trail of Dreams is for a real person, a real face, a real life, and above all, each step is for the dreams of a student. This is not just a Latino issue, this movement is for anyone who has ever been told they cannot accomplish something, for anyone who has a dream.”
Gough will join the dreamwalkers on their journey from Miami to Washington, D.C. for the final leg of their trip starting in Richmond, Virginia. Check out his blog. He needs to raise $1000 to pay for food and accomodations along the way. To help him, donate here.
Check out the Daily Tar Heel’s video profile of Gough, or
SCSJ’s Statement of Support for Trail of Dreams for more information.