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Time to End the War on Drugs

Post by SCSJ Staff Attorney Daryl Atkinson Time to End the War on Drugs In a speech to the American Bar Association on August 12,…

Removing Barriers to Employment

Jasmyn Prioleau was a 20-something when she had a run-in with the law, and said she didn’t think about the lifelong consequences – although the…

Why the Voting Rights Act Makes Sense

On February 1st the Southern Coalition of Social Justice filed an amicus brief in Shelby County v. Holder on behalf of numerous political science and…

SCSJ's Client Eva Foster Seeks Justice

Eva Foster, 87, a jazz legend and well-respected member of the community in Greensboro, is supported by the Beloved Community Center and other groups as…

Redistricting lawsuits move on

RALEIGH — A pair of lawsuits challenging North Carolina’s new Republican-penned boundaries for congressional and legislative seats can move forward, a three-judge panel said Monday.…