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Cloud of pollution over industrial building with map of North Carolina and green gradient in background
Environmental Justice

SCSJ: Duke Energy’s Carbon Plan Prioritizes Profits Over Practical Solutions 

DURHAM, N.C. (Sept. 3, 2024) — Duke Energy has made it clear — its Carbon Plan is about making itself richer, not moving North Carolina to a carbon-free future. After a lengthy expert witness hearing, Southern Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ) has filed a brief detailing the many ways Duke's plan fails ratepayers, particularly lower-income North Carolinians who disproportionately bear the costs both on their utility bills and their health. 
Liquified natural gas storage facility transposed on top of a decorate background in a collage-style design
Environmental Justice

SCSJ Condemns Merger of Enbridge, Dominion 

RALEIGH, N.C. (July 12, 2024) - Southern Coalition for Social Justice stood alongside environmental and community advocates to condemn the potential merger of Dominion Energy…