Featured Entries

Private Prison Profiteers

Private Prisons: The Injustice League The two largest private prison providers in the U.S. each rake in tens of millions of dollars every year. How…

Voting Rights and Mass Incarceration

With SCSJ attorneys in federal court hearings this week fighting against North Carolina’s voter suppression laws and the second Clean Slate Clinic in Durham quickly…

Clean Slate Clinic July 12, 2014

Clean Slate Clinic July 12, 2014 Do you have a criminal record?  Has your criminal record held you back from getting a job?  There will…

Criminal Justice Initiative in the News

A sampling of Criminal Justice Initiative media coverage from May – early July 2014.  
Daryl Atkinson receives White House “Champions of Change” award on…

NC Voting Rights Rollbacks: The New Selma?

In March of 1965, the Selma-to-Montgomery march began with hopes of creating voting equality. Hundreds of civil rights activists and demonstrators attempted to march from…