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Justice System Reform

School Resource Officer Census Released

Last month, the North Carolina Department of Public Safety’s Center for Safer Schools (CFSS) released its 2015 North Carolina School Resource Officer Census. The Census defines school resource…
Justice System Reform

Suspension Prevention is Everybody’s Business

Across North Carolina and the nation, what’s often referred to as “the great equalizer” turns students away. Schools suspend students for not attending school. Yes, really.…

Wake Voters Sue Over New County Commission Districts

For Immediate Release                                                                                                    Contact: Beverley Clark, 919-247-4207
Anita Earls, 919-794-4198,
  Wake Voters Sue Over New County Commission Districts Voters in overpopulated districts claim…
Justice System Reform

The School-to-Prison Pipeline in Action

At a recent talk I gave on the School-to-Prison Pipeline, a school board member in the audience strongly objected to the metaphor and said he…

Welcoming the 'most vulnerable'

This editorial appeared in The Herald-Sun on Sunday, March 8, 2015. More than 2,100 unaccompanied immigrant children have been placed with sponsors – often family…