From Check out a report from the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) that SCSJ contributed to with an article about the way local immigration enforcement fuels an environment in which immigrant women become more vulnerable targets of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Check out a report from the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) that SCSJ contributed to with an article about the way local immigration enforcement fuels an environment in which immigrant women become more vulnerable targets of sexual assault and domestic violence.
SCSJ contributed to a national report released in December by the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. “Injustice for All: The Rise of the U.S. Immigration Policing Regime” denounces human rights abuses occurring across immigrant and refugee communities in the United States. SCSJ’s contribution to the report, written by Immigrants Rights Organizer Rebecca Fontaine, focuses on the way local immigration enforcement fuels an environment in which immigrant women become more vulnerable targets of sexual assault and domestic violence.